The IMF Too Wants Wall Street To Go Down

Christine Lagarde

Even people at the IMF are starting to doubt about US stock market “fair” value, this probably means that, finally, we will see a correction

As the S&P 500 keeps on reaching new record highs, the chorus of Very Important Persons declaring war at Wall Street is growing.

In many articles we have debated over the fact that IMF economists are the worst economists around, and, now that even the leader of the worst economists in the World, Christine Lagarde, expresses some concerns about the “fair” price of the US stock market, well, we can finally declare that a correction at Wall Street is just obvious.

Take a look at Reuters:

“The head of the International Monetary Fund warned on Friday that financial markets were “perhaps too upbeat” because high unemployment and high debt in Europe could drag down investment and hurt future growth prospects… She also warned that continuing low inflation could undermine growth prospects in the region”
The IMF is just like a not-so-clever student in the class. When that student gets what the teacher is saying, then you can be sure that everybody did.

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