

The Only Reason Why Europe Will Have A QE Program

We’re sick and tired to hear alleged “experts” talk about the fact that Germany would have given up on Draghi to start the Quantitative Easing program, it’s time to understand that Berlin too needs some…

Mark Carney

Is UK Risking Deflation ?

In December 2014, UK inflation reached +0.5%, far below the 2% target of the Bank of England: it seems the BOE won’t raise its rates that soon after all And now somebody says that the…

File photo of people making their way through a shopping arcade in Sendai

Lessons From 15 Years Of Japanese Deflation

European governments are lucky, they have a good example of what happens when an economy enters a deflation “moment” (can we call 15 years a “moment” ?) after a heavy economic crisis, why isn’t anyone…

Matteo Renzi press conference, Rome

Italy Is Entering Deflation (Mamma Mia !)

With an annual inflation equal to 0,1%, the doors to deflation for Italy are now wide open, the Japanization of European economy is now closer Based on our calculation, we expected Italy to enter deflation…


A Bond Bubble in Peripheral Europe ?

As Raoul Ruparel states from Forbes, the bond market in peripheral Europe is acting in a completely disconnected way compared to the trend of real economy, how big is this problem going to be for…