

Quello Che Draghi Non Può Fare

La BCE è stata abile negli ultimi tempi a muovere i rendimenti dei titoli di Stato dell’Eurozona senza sostanzialmente fare nulla, se non promettere; ma c’è un tasso su cui nemmeno Mario Draghi sembra poter…


JPMorgan: Il Quantitative Easing Della BCE È Dietro L’Angolo

A vedere l’andamento dell’Euro rispetto al Dollaro, pare proprio che il mercato si stia convincendo del fatto che la BCE stia per utilizzare l’arma del Quantitative Easing per rilanciare l’economia dell’Eurozona, JPMorgan prevede un QE…


ECB Press Conference – 08/07/14 (LIVE)

Just like every month, it’s time to broadcast ECB press conference held by President Mario Draghi, in which the latest monetary decisions will be explained and the international press will be able to intervene


Europe: Is The “Draghi Effect” Over For Stocks ?

When Draghi “saved” the Euro in July 2012, European stocks started running while the ECB was simply “monitoring” the situation, without really doing anything: is the party over ? It looks like the party is…

DEU Europa Verfassungsgericht Reformvertrag

Why There’s No Recovery in Europe in One Chart

In one simple chart, here is the main reason why we aren’t seeing any serious recovery in the Euro Area, and why there’s such a big difference between German economy and the rest of the…

Mario Draghi

Can ECB Really Save Europe ?

For years we have heard Mario Draghi repeat the same old concept: it’s not the ECB that must save Europe, but European governments; is that really true ? We have a very simple idea on…


Mario Draghi’s Press Conference (LIVE) – 07/03/14

Just like every month, let’s follow together the ECB press conference during which President Mario Draghi will comment on the latest monetary choices made by the board of governors, from 3:30 PM it will also…