Is Italian Employment Ever Coming Back ?
Italian employment is looking really, really bad: how come Italy is, on a fairly regular basis, the European country with the worst economic news ever since the Euro crisis started ? Italy is now the…
Italian employment is looking really, really bad: how come Italy is, on a fairly regular basis, the European country with the worst economic news ever since the Euro crisis started ? Italy is now the…
While some indicators (PMI, industrial production) may not work to forecast economic growth in the Euro Area, we still have one indicator we can trust, and this indicator is not giving us any good news…
Suddenly, austerity doesn’t look like the correct answer to the economic crisis in the Euro Area: German GDP is falling (original publishing date: 08/15/14) Well well well, look who’s having troubles with GDP now: Germany…
Well, it doesn’t really take a genius to understand why Spanish economy is growing way more than the Italian one, it’s all a matter of spending, spending and spending (original publishing date: 08/11/14) So here…
Japanese GDP is going crazy: year-on-year, it grew by 6.1% in Q1 and it collapsed by 6.8% in Q2, how can this happen in such a mature economy ? It’s really quite easy to…
Europe is not ready for anything like the Fiscal Compact, the latest data from Eurostat are a solid evidence to this theory, will we really see the “true” austerity take over Europe or will Fiscal…
The answer “Because we’re in a bubble” is not satisfactory enough to us, let’s just stop for a while and think about what really moves stocks and bonds, shall we ? Ok so you all know…
US economy is expected to grow in a very strong way for the remaining part of 2014, but someone is starting to worry about the housing market, is the bubble back or is it just…
PMI output index is not looking good for France, and so is the future of French economy: when will Hollande understand that the only way to fight the Le Pen mania is doing something for…
When you look at Portuguese debtor position, you easily realize that you’re looking at something that is even worse than the Italian situation for Euro Area, how can investors possibly trust Portugal ? Easy: they…