s&p 500

File photo of Rupert Murdoch listening to remarks at the Wall Street Journal CEO Council in Washington

Wall Street: Will Rupert Murdoch Kill The Trend Again ?

Rupert Murdoch has (insanely ?) offered 80 billion dollars to buy Time Warner, do you remember what happened the last time Murdoch made a deal to the stock market ? There’s a funny relationship between…

Markets Plunge After House Rejects $700 Billion Financial Bailout Plan

USA: La Borsa Non È In Bolla, Ma Adesso Deve Scendere

Tanti, troppi blog danno per scontato che a Wall Street ci sia una enorme bolla speculativa che finirà per schiacciare l’economia americana, è un’affermazione forte e, probabilmente, sbagliata (ripubblicazione articolo dell’8 luglio 2014) Le stranezze…


Is Wall Street Moving As It Did In 1965 ?

Jeffrey Saut, chief investment strategist at Raymond James, thinks that the S&P 500 index is going to lose some 10-12% very soon, exactly as he did in 1965, but beware: if he’s right the “real”…


Wall Street & The Scary “23-Quarters Rule”

Zerohedge makes a good point: the S&P 500 is now in its 23rd quarter of recovery, but does anyone remember what happened the last time the index had such a long run ? Spoiler: it…

wall street

Intanto a Wall Street Torna l’Euforia

L’euforia a Wall Street sembra funzionare come una droga, ormai la borsa americana è euforia-dipendente e, non appena qualcosa dovesse cominciare a scricchiolare, la “crisi di astinenza” farà grossi, grossissimi danni La notizia di questa…