
Robert Vella, Peter Tuchman

Wall Street and the Low Volume Syndrome

Whenever we have a good week at Wall Street, volumes appear to be too low, can we really expect the S&P 500 to keep on growing like that ? Do not even think of a…


The Oil Disaster Is Not Over Yet

Oil prices reached a 3-year low at 76-77 $ following the cut in prices for the US carried out by Saudi Aramco: when will the nightmare end ? While somebody may think that, all in…


What Will Happen To Junk Bonds ?

The big sell-off we have seen in the high-yield bond market is not as extraordinary as the media are saying: do you remember what happened in 2004 ? After the burst of the dot-com bubble…


The Correction Is Hitting Global Stock Markets

It’s not just the US, stocks seem to be falling everywhere: are we getting ready for the “perfect storm” ? The endless nightmare of Eurozone and the end of QE in the US are just…


US: Is The “Secular Stagnation” Over ?

People at Deutsche Bank seem to be sure: the so-called “secular stagnation” is now over for the US, it would be a shame if something bad suddenly happened to the economy (as it always does,…


US: Inflation Expectations Are Falling

This is weird, while the Federal Reserve inflation target is now at hand, it looks like the market is really not seeing the 2% inflation as something that will really happen Keep in mind that,…


Finance Does Not Create Bubbles, People Do

As Zerohedge points out, if somebody arrived on our planet from Mars there would be one single easy way to explain him the main difference between a typical American family and a Chinese one, and,…