wall street


Wall Street: It’s Time To Worry About Those Volumes

Lowest volumes since 2006 and new record-high for the stock market: Wall Street is preparing to crash and yet everyone keeps saying “this time is different” You cannot seriously believe those saying “this time is…


Wall Street: Le Previsioni Degli “Analisti” Per Il 2015

Questo è un post che pubblichiamo a futura memoria, quando la borsa americana si schianterà verso il basso queste previsioni “ufficiali” saranno un bell’esempio dell’incapacità di molti “analisti” (ripubblicazione articolo del 23 dicembre 2014) Lo…


La Folle Reazione Di Wall Street Alla Svolta Della Fed

La Fed non alzerà i tassi per “almeno un paio di incontri del FOMC” (parole di Janet Yellen), ovvero il rialzo arriverà nella prima metà del 2015, ma i mercati esplodono di felicità (ripubblicazione articolo…

Rudy Maas

Wall Street: Is The Energy-Bubble Exploding ?

With low oil prices, energy companies at Wall Street are steadily getting erased from the stock market: is this how the big correction begins ? (original publishing date: 12/15/2014) We just want to give you…

Thomas McArdle

High-Yield Energy Bonds Are Collapsing

As of today, high-yield energy bonds are down by 10% from the levels of the beginning of the year, and energy stocks are following this trend Do you want to know where energy stocks in…


The Importance of The Energy Industry For Wall Street

The current crisis in the energy industry (led by weak oil prices) could have had a worse impact on the stock market if it had happened few years ago Surprisingly (or not), the energy industry…

APphoto_Wall Street

Wall Street: Perchè l’S&P 500 Continua A Salire

Il motore principale della crescita della borsa americana sembra essere rappresentato dalle cosiddette operazioni di “buy-back” effettuate dalle aziende quotate, e questo non è affatto un buon segnale (ripubblicazione articolo del 10 dicembre 2014) Il…

Traders work on the main trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange shortly after the opening bell in New York in this file photo

Wall Street: More Bad Signs From The NYSE

Have you ever tried to stretch a rope until it breaks ? What’s the noise you hear few seconds before the breakage ? (original publishing date: 12/08/2014) We suggest that a rope about to break…


Wall Street: Is The NYSE Trying To Tell Us Something ?

Yes, we think the NYSE is seriously trying to tell us something, and let us give you a hint: the message begins by “s” and ends by “ell” (original publishing date: 12/05/2014) This is not…